jhbadger 4 days ago | next |

The movie is streaming for free on Tubi (hot tip: ad blockers still work on Tubi). It's pretty good even if I hate the simplification of the dialogue -- in the beginning Ishmael talks of visiting "the oceans" rather than the more poetic "watery parts of the world".

keiferski 4 days ago | root | parent |

That’s terrible. The real reason to read the book is for the language, as the narrative itself is great but not why it’s such an excellent novel. I have a few lines memorized via Anki because the writing is so impressive.

jhbadger 4 days ago | root | parent |

Yeah, and Bradbury himself was known to be a rather poetic writer himself so it is odd that his screenplay does that.

scandox 4 days ago | prev |

> “Your subconscious is smarter than you are,” he once told me, “so get out of its way.”