Ask HN: Which RSS reader do you use?
47 points by ulam2 16 hours ago | 124 comments
Its been some time since this question was asked. Every RSS reader I've used so far sucks. Either the built-in web support is poor or it stops fetching the feeds or renders then poorly. Sorry for my frustration, but I would like to know what everyone else is using and if they are satisfied with their RSS reader.
ksec 14 hours ago | next |
I have been using RSS since early 2000s and currently I am settled on Feedly.
> Either the built-in web support is poor or it stops fetching the feeds or renders then poorly.
I guess I am good with Feedly, and Google Reader and everything before that, is because I dont use the RSS Reader to read the content. I am only using RSS as News Headline [1]. And then will either Command Click, Right Click Open New Tab, Simply Click on it, depending on which OS and browser I am using to open them in a new Tab inside Browser.
Which is also the reason why I could end up with hundreds of tabs open. And I read them one by one. For these type of heavy browsing usage I recommend Firefox > Chrome > Safari.
So for my usage I actually think RSS should be a function inside a browser. But I know a lot of people use RSS reader differently.
[1] Which is also how I use Twitter as well. I simply have a list of people I follow and read those list only. So for me I dont ever understand why people are so upset with the For You Tab. But I guess I am the minority and I use it differently.